Standing Seam Metal Roofing – Evergreen Color – Pipe Creek Texas

In this standing seam roof installation video in Pipe Creek, Texas, we’ll show the major metal roof installation processes.

Generally speaking we will show the entire process on a simple gable style roof.

It starts with preparing the metal “roll-forming”. This is a cool process as you can see where the coil or the flat sheet metal is ran through the machine where it is formed into the desired profile the customer selects.

At this point, the roof should be ready and prepared for installation.

The perimeter trim, valleys, and wall flashing is then installed.

The first panel is the most crucial installation as it sets the pace for the rest of the panels.

All standing metal panels are then secured and have clips installed at approximately every 18 inches. These metal clips are the ones responsible for holding the panel down.

After, the eave detail work is performed. This consist of trimming the ends of the metal panels and hand bending the panels to the perimeter DL or drip edge.

As the panels are being installed, we will run into pipes and other protrusions. This detail work is completed as we go through the roof and make sure all is waterproofed before moving to next panel. All penetrations are painted to match the roof color once the roof is 100% complete.

The seaming of the panels is probably the coolest and the one customers like the best. Its a neat and simple process, it intrigues everyone. The joints or seams of the panels are bent and seamed with an electrical robot seamer. This little guy is a life saver!

One of the final steps is installing the z-bars, hip-caps, ridge-caps and removing the standing seam metal panels film. This film is left on till we are complete.. The film protects the panels from scratching.

If you live near San Antonio or surrounding counties, feel free to call for a complimentary estimate on roof repairs and full roof replacements.

Rox Roofing San Antonio Texas 210-900-0977